Phone (cell) : 847 - 323-1435 July, 2002
Teaching philosophy
My teaching philosophy is coherent with L.Vigotsky's theory of learning in the zone of proximal development, and I think that teaching students on the appropriate level for their cognitive abilities as well as on their subject background level is crucial for the their success.
Type 29 & FTB. Type 09 in Physics with Endorsement in Math expected 9.02
Ph.D. in Phys. Chemistry, M.S. in Physics&Education, B.S. minor Math
Grants & Awards
Jordan Fundamentals Grant (2002) & Best Poster Award. EEC-ESF(1995)
Teaching Experience
Math - teacher in Benito Juarez Community Academy, Chicago.
Related Experiences
Special Skills
Scientific experience in Physical Chemistry, Mathematics, & programming. Adept with Graphing Calculators. Fluent in Russian, Ukrainian, Hebrew. Experienced to work with students of different multicultural backgrounds.
Under construction...
Type 29 transitional bilingual certificate (Russian)
Full time basic substitute (90 days)
Expected in September, 2002. Illinois Initial Secondary Certificate (Type 09) in Physics
Expected in September, 2002. Endorsement in Secondary Mathematics.
Expected in February, 2003. Middle grade endorsement in mathematics.
Graduate student in DePaul University, expected graduation, March, 2003
1995 Best Poster Award. EEC-ESF advanced course: "Chemistry of metals in biological systems", Belgium.
2001 Jordan Fundamentals Grant for using computers in my Algebra /Advanced Algebra classes.
Proficient in Mathematics’ applications including algebra of operators, multi–dimensional data processing, statistical analysis, Furrier transformations, using of stereographic projection, etc.
Proficient with a variety of mathematics software, including LabCalc, Q–Basic, MathCad, idl, etc.
Familiar with computer programming languages. Experience in FORTRAN programming. Familiar with FORTRAN mathematical libraries.
Experienced to work with students of different multicultural background. Have experience to work with students of Mexican background.
Adept with TI83, TI86 Graphing Calculators.
Eager to participate in extracurricular activities
Fluent in Russian, Ukrainian, Hebrew.
Hours are shown as contact hours and not as credit hours.
Contact hours, classes with short description, & grades.
Introduction into analysis and theory of limits, differentiation and integration of functions of one variable, multidimensional series, differentiation and integration of functions of several variables, numerical and functional series, Furrier’s series, differential equations, equations of partial differentials of the first order, theory of functions with complex variables, elements of algebra of operators.
Exam S
Exam I A
Exam II A
Linear Algebra
Linear space, basis and coordinates, matrices and determinants, Euclid space, linear operators, square shapes/forms.
Exam A
Analytical geometry
Cartesian coordinates, vectors, line and plane, geometric transformations, curves and surfaces of the second order.
Equations of Mathematical Physics
Linear and pseudo–linear equation of the second order in partial differentials, equation of the harmonic oscillator, equation of pendulum, Furrier method, harmonic functions.
Exam I S
Probability theory
Theory of combinations and introduction into probability theory, probability of values’ uncertainty and laws of distribution, introduction into mathematical statistics.
Methods and Techniques of teaching Physics
General Physics
Theoretical Mechanics
Theoretical Physics
Special tools and media for education
Classes in Laboratories and special topics.
A , S
Course thesis. Methods and Techniques of teaching Physics
Credit hours, classes & grades
Quantum Mechanics to Chemists
Lasers in Chemistry
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Experiments in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Coordination Chemistry
During my Ph.D. I widely applied a graduate level mathematics to solve quantum mechanical and statistical problems.
A lot of mathematics was acquired by some of my classes taken during my Ph.D. study. Thus Quantum Mechanics & Nuclear Magnetic Resonance contained a supreme amount of mathematics. Also, I widely applied mathematics working on my Ph.D. Thesis. Overall, my Ph.D. study required quantum mechanical calculations on regular basis. Spectroscopic methods I have been using required complicated data processing including Furrier transformations and a lot of statistical analysis. Most of these calculations required computer programming or editing of available in laboratory computer programs. I created my computer programs on FORTRAN 77 using NAG/ISML libraries. For tasks which required easier computations I made macros on idl(UNIX) and used variety of other graphical software. During my postdoctoral study in Northwestern, I mostly used MathCad and LabCalc for data processing and theoretical calculations.
To summarize, during my scientific carrier I applied calculus of multivariable, algebra of operators, analytical geometry, and statistics on regular basis. Most of these applications required intensive use of computers.
For presentation, I widely used different graphic computer programs. (For example, CorelDraw)
"The role of the iron(II) center in ethylene biosynthesis." A.Rocklin, D.L.Tierney, V.Kofman, R.Christofferson, B.M. Hoffman, J.D. Libscomb, and L.Que. Proc. Natl. Acad. Of Sciences, USA, 1999.
"Double Nuclear Coherence Transfer (DONUT) - HYSCORE - a new tool for the assignment of nuclear frequencies in pulsed EPR experiments." D.Goldfarb, V.Kofman, J.Libman, A.Shanzer, R.Rahmatouline S., Van Doorslae, A.Schweiger. Sent to J. Amer. Chem. Soc.
"Two-dimensional pulsed EPR spectroscopy of the copper protein azurin." V.Kofman, O.Farver, I.Pecht, D.Goldfarb. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 1996, 118, 1201-6.
"Coordination of Cu(II) to lipophilic bis-hydroxamate binders as studied by one and two-dimensional electron spin echo spectroscopy." V.Kofman, J.J.Shane, S.A.Dikanov, M.K.Bowman, J.Libman, A.Shanzer and D.Goldfarb. J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 1995, 117, 12771-8.
"The coordination of VO2+ to hydroxamate binders as studied by orientation selected ESEEM spectroscopy." V.Kofman, S.A.Dikanov, A.Haran, J.Libman, A.Shanzer and D.Goldfarb. J.Amer. Chem. Soc., 1995, 117, 383-91.
"EPR-spectra and coordinated state of copper(II) in glasses and crystals of salt butyrate matrix." T.A.Mirnaya, V.I.Molochaeva. Koord. Khim. 1992, 18, 1175-80 (Russian).
"Crystal structure of barium butyrate and the structure of a vitrified mesophase based on it." T.A.Mirnaya, A.P.Polishchuk, V.I.Molochaeva and A.S.Tolochko. Sov. Physics-Crystallogr. 1991, 36, 200-3.
"ESR spectra of copper(II) in crystalline and glassy zinc butyrate." T.A.Mirnaya, V.I.Molochaeva and V.D.Prisyazhnyii. Zh. Neorg. Khim. 1990, 35(2), 408-12(Russian).
"Molecular copper centers in potassium tantalite crystals." I.N.Geifman, V.L.Konovalov, L.I.Berezhinskii, V.I.Molochaeva and B.K.Krulikovskii. Theor. and Exper. Chem.1988, 24, 541-6.
I would like to express my deep appreciation to all wonderful teachers I met in my life.
First, a lot of thanks to my dad who taught me to love science. Thanks to my first teacher in Elementary school Anna Markovna Protopopova, who taught me that each problem can be approached by different ways. I also appreciate devoted work of my Physics teacher Alexander Gurievich Belousov and my Math teacher, Demchenko Sergei Sergeevich, from Science and Math Academy in Kiev. They taught me concentration while struggling with problems. They also fostered my habit of independent study. I am sincerely thankful to Mirnaya Tatiana, to Daniella Goldfarb, and Brian Hoffman. These scientists were not only extremely helpful in my scientific studies, but they created wonderful atmosphere in their laboratories.
I appreciate valuable support of my family, my friends, and my colleges.